David Blazek

David Blazek

As an internal and external consultant for innovation and transformation, co-founder of eHealth startups, and Senior Business Developer for many years, David supports SpinLab by applying holistic approaches to organizational and economic growth. He studied Law at Christian Albrechts University Kiel and Business Administration at University Leipzig.

Recent posts by David Blazek

7 min read

Top Healthcare Events 2025: Essential Guide for Health Startups

By David Blazek on 16 January 2025

Your comprehensive guide to the most impactful healthcare event recommendations and digital health events in Europe - curated specifically for digital health and medtech startups by SpinLab Coach David Blazek.

Topics: startups ehealth Events
5 min read

A startup’s search for its vision and mission… the quest for the holy grail?

By David Blazek on 23 August 2023

If one were to draw a comparison between startups and established companies, the metaphor of a newborn versus an adult might come to mind. Just as newborns go through an incubation phase and eventually face puberty before stepping out into the world, startups embark on a similar journey. They often start in an incubator or accelerator, undergoing a period of growth, and then emerge to either organically expand or be acquired.

Topics: Startup Tips startups