I am fortunate enough to enjoy writing. I do it a lot professionally for the SpinLab blog, and I write a lot in my free time as well. This is a really big advantage in 2019 because creating content to leverage good SEO tactics is more important than ever. Your customers are getting smarter, and they expect the best information online.
10 min read
Startup Blogs in 2019: How you can get yours up and running in 20 minutes or less
By Shawn Segundo on 11 September 2019
Topics: Startup Tips
12 min read
How to create a Value Proposition for your startup (2020)
By Dennis Birkhölzer on 02 September 2019
After the short and more introductory articles on how to approach your potential clients in general, this piece now focuses on the specific needs you could address with your solution. One startup sales strategy in 2019 is value-based selling, where you define your value proposition for each type of customer.
Topics: Startup Tips
9 min read
Effective landing pages for startups: Evaluating the latest Neil Patel offer
By Shawn Segundo on 27 August 2019
Let’s start with the basics here, what actually is a landing page on a website? Well, a landing page is basically a URL on your site that people land on with the hopes of taking a specific action on that page. Said action may be something like:
Topics: Startup Tips
5 min read
5 Tips to Write a Business Plan for a Tech Startup: Become a Leader
By Kristin Savage on 08 July 2019
'Before starting to search for investors and financing, startups need not only to get a business plan, but also to make sure that it is reliable as a rock. Below you will find tips on how to make a successful business plan. They will help you to write an incredibly cool project and win investor confidence!
Topics: Startup Tips
6 min read
Startup Sales – Introduction: Customer Discovery
By Dennis Birkhölzer on 03 July 2019
The first article in this series has given you an insight into finding your internal values to define your external value proposition. In this article, you will learn how to find customers. Steven G. Blank, a renowned entrepreneur, worked out central questions that he discovered when observing start-ups while acquiring new customers:
Topics: Startup Tips
45 min read
Startup Grants in germany: The ultimate guide
By Martin Richter on 27 May 2019
A startup needs money! This is a valid, simple statement right? But where does the money come from? Well, first of all there is organic and in-organic growth.
Organic growth, (bootstrapping) explains the processes of founding a company without external funding. Basically the founder is supporting the entire endeavor with his or her private assets and savings.
Topics: Startup Tips
4 min read
9 Ways to Boost your E-commerce Startup
By Nelly Muradkhanyan on 14 May 2019
E-commerce is a quick and convenient business process for both sellers and buyers. It allows sellers to sell physical goods online while buyers just need to wait for their orders to be delivered at home.
Topics: Startup Tips
4 min read
How to finance your growth phase if the house bank is no longer willing to support?
By Axel Kahl on 26 April 2019
Even if the media likes to report on ambitious startups that earn a lot of money with a profitable exit, in practice no founder knows exactly what to expect after the foundation. A high is followed by a low and vice versa - but typically a startup company usually goes through the same, categorisable development phases.
Topics: Startup Tips
13 min read
Startup Logos: 6 tips to design them properly from the start (2020)
By Shawn Segundo on 04 April 2019
Successfully running a startup accelerator can be tricky business as there are typically a myriad of things we are trying to accomplish all at once. But developing a good startup logo should not be something that provides too many challenges for a young company.
Topics: Startup Tips
3 min read
An introduction to agile B2B sales – Always start with WHY
By Dennis Birkhölzer on 29 March 2019
Congratulations! You’ve founded your startup, and everybody around you really seems to like what you are doing. But somehow it seems hard to sell your awesome solution. Why is that? This is when it comes to actual sales strategy.