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SpinLab 17th class kicks off: nine startups selected from over 500 applications

Aug 6, 2024 9:30:00 AM

SpinLab – The HHL Accelerator, recently recognized by the Financial Times and Statista as one of the leading startup hubs in Europe, is launching a new round with a record number of over 500 applications. From this pool, nine startups have been selected in the fields of renewable energy, Smart City, and E-Health. Among the selected startups are an AI-based health solution for detecting addictive behavior, a team using technologies for CO₂ removal through underground storage of woody biomass to sequester carbon for the long term, and a technology for direct heat generation from wind energy, which efficiently feeds heat into heating networks, promoting the decarbonization of district heating. SpinLab has already supported more than 160 startups, with a survival rate of 86 percent. By joining the accelerator program, the teams receive an extensive and tailored coaching and mentoring program, as well as access to a broad network of partners and investors.

All New SpinLab Startups at a Glance

Akademie für Klimajobs

Akademie für Klimajobs supports companies in the renewable energy sector by providing highly qualified, immediately deployable workforce. Graduates possess up-to-date knowledge of renewable technologies, which helps alleviate the skills shortage and enables rapid project implementation. This allows companies to significantly save on hiring and training new employees. With innovative training methods, including AI and VR, the Academy prepares a technologically advanced workforce that gives companies a competitive edge.


coobi is developing an AI-based algorithm that uses digital data from smartphones and wearables to provide objective insights into the current state of the user and detect increased susceptibility to addictive behavior. This allows critical phases to be detected early so that intervention can occur when the user needs it most. These interventions in critical phases are called Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions (JITAIs) and are based on the latest research findings. The goal is to optimally support those affected, their families, and healthcare providers in managing addiction disorders and reducing uncontrolled problematic behavior.


Carbonsate is developing a method for CO₂ removal through biomass storage. Inspired by natural processes, this technology mimics and accelerates carbon storage in peatlands. The safe underground storage of woody biomass prevents decomposition and sequesters carbon from the cycle for over 100 years.


Certflow brings together project planners, certification bodies, and grid operators on a digital platform to simplify the certification process for renewable energy systems. Currently, planners require an average of 150 to 200 hours for the certification process, often leading to faulty applications and additional work for certification bodies. As a result, about 1,000 PV systems in Germany are waiting for their grid connection certification. Certflow optimizes this process with KI-driven process management and a step-by-step certification platform.

Clever bioTechnologies

Clever bioTechnologies offers a software solution for the dynamic operation of biogas plants that combines artificial intelligence with first-principle algorithms. This software optimizes substrate supply and composition to ensure maximum biogas production and process stability. This allows biogas plants to respond more flexibly to electricity prices and operate more economically by calculating the best times and quantities for substrate supply.


JustHealth has developed a digital platform for outpatient cancer care. This platform enables digitally supported routine patient monitoring while providing clinically validated digital support for patients. JustHealth's solution significantly relieves healthcare providers and empowers patients to take more responsibility for their treatment. This increases adherence to therapy and reduces side effects.

NIMBLE Diagnostics

NIMBLE Diagnostics has developed a microwave-based medical device that enables continuous, non-invasive, non-ionizing monitoring of patients with implanted stents. Stents are often implanted to restore blood flow but can become blocked or damaged in 30% of cases. With the NIMBLE system, the functionality and condition of stents can be continuously monitored, allowing a shift from reactive to proactive care. This enables early treatment to prevent negative outcomes, optimizes medication therapy, correlates symptoms with stent function, and identifies triggers of cardiac events before it's too late.


UpGreen is a platform that helps commercial property owners and their value chains reduce costs and CO₂ emissions. It identifies profitable retrofits in property portfolios, facilitates refinancing through a tenant fee based on projected savings, and coordinates project implementation through a network of trusted installers. For property owners, UpGreen transforms energy efficiency upgrades from compliance costs into investments by making them cheaper, faster, and easier. For tenants, the platform reduces energy costs and improves sustainability without upfront costs.


Windfire is developing a technology for direct heat generation from wind energy, replacing the turbine's electrical system with a thermal system. This heat is fed directly into a heating network, making it particularly attractive for decarbonizing district heating and industrial processes. By eliminating electrical components, the technology avoids frequent failures, increasing turbine uptime by at least 25%. Windfire uses existing wind turbines and an established industry to develop a new system by integrating proven thermal components. This enables cost-effective production and faster market entry.

Here are some impressions of our SpinLab Class 17th welcome week


Linh Pham

Written by Linh Pham

Linh holds a master's degree in media and communications. In the past years, she has worked as an employee and freelancer in different editorial offices. Since 2020 she is part of the SpinLab team and is now responsible for public relations.

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